This is a demo copy of MIFP's popular program ScreenSavor™. It is, in fact, a full-featured version of the original ScreenSavor program, but is limited to only being able to read the accompanying demo images. The real ScreenSavor has over 15 full-color image sets covering a wide variety of themes, and more are being added all the time. You can order ScreenSavor from your local software dealer and many mail-order houses. If you prefer, you can also order directly from MIFP by calling (800) 697-6437 or faxing a copy of the accompanying order form to MIFP Order Processing at (503) 228-9707.
We are trying to anticipate the needs of our customers, and therefore include in this file the release notes for all the existing versions of ScreenSavor. These notes are meant to supplement the ScreenSavor User's Manual, and provide you with the latest information about this product. Please read them first, and follow the easy steps to installing ScreenSavor.
Best wishes and happy computing, from all of us at MIFP Development.
*After Dark is a trademark of Berkeley Systems, Inc.
Macintosh and QuickTime are trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. (See Notices below).
QuickTime™ has been licensed by MIFP for distribution with all ScreenSavor software.
Intermission is a trademark of Icom Simulations, Inc.
Star Trek is a registered trademark of Paramount Pictures, Inc.
ScreenSavor, the ScreenSavor logo, the MIFP logo, and "More Ideas For People" are trademarks of MIFP Development.
Release Notes
*** ScreenSavor™ Demo 1.0.1 ***
The ScreenSavor™ Program now also works with the screen saver programs Star Trek® the Screen Saver and Intermission™, by Icom Simulations. Follow the installation instructions for running an After Dark module under Intermission and coordinate them with the installation instructions for use with After Dark as given below.
Demo Installation Instructions
(7 easy steps to taking a vacation...)
* Indicates a note for System 7 users. Others should ignore these notes.
1. Make one backup copy of your ScreenSavor™ Demo Disk.
2. Insert the ScreenSavor Demo Disk into your floppy drive, and make sure it is open on your desktop.
3. If you do not already have QuickTime™, you will need to obtain it from one of the archive servers. For example, you can ftp it from or Then drag the QuickTime icon into your System Folder.*
* System 7 users will at this point be prompted by a dialog box, asking whether you wish for QuickTime to be installed into your Extensions folder. Click on the OK button.
4. Find the After Dark Files folder located in your System Folder.* Drag the ScreenSavor™ Demo icon from the ScreenSavor Demo Disk into the After Dark Files folder, where it will reside along with your other After Dark modules.
* System 7 users are allowed to have the After Dark Files folder within their System Folder, Control Panels, Extensions, Preferences, or even on the desktop. Don't worry, ScreenSavor knows about these places.
5. Once again, find the After Dark Files folder. Drag the Savory Goodies folder from the Image Sampler Set disk into the After Dark Files folder, where it will reside along with the ScreenSavor Demo program.
6. Eject your ScreenSavor Demo Disk.
7. Restart your Macintosh computer. Both the After Dark™ (or Intermission) and QuickTime init icons should appear at the bottom of your screen, indicating that they are being installed. Run ScreenSavor form the After Dark or Intermission control panel. That's it!
1) ALWAYS SAVE ANY WORK YOU HAVE DONE PRIOR TO LEAVING YOUR COMPUTER FOR LONG PERIODS OF TIME! Version 1.0.1 corrects a problem which sometimes occurred under low memory conditions, causing the Macintosh to freeze. In the unlikely event of a crash, ScreenSavor will always try to die as elegantly as possible and notify you in advance if something is amiss. But, be smart and save your work frequently. ScreenSavor has never been known to corrupt any files, (other than itself...) even while being rigorously tested.
2) If an unforseen problem causes your system to crash, but it does so in a nicer way ( eg; After Dark unloads itself and you are still able to select menu items! ) make sure to SAVE YOUR WORK USING "SAVE AS..." INSTEAD OF "SAVE". In this way, if something drastic happens while saving you won't be corrupting any old versions of your work!
3) Try to allow ScreenSavor 1 MB of memory for 24-bit or 16-bit display, and 500 KB for 8-bit display. This should be enough memory for ScreenSavor to run. If not, ScreenSavor will notify you in the scrolling message area of the default After Dark module. Prevention is the best medicine, so try not to starve ScreenSavor of memory, if at all possible. You can find out how much free memory is available by selecting "About This Macintosh" from the Apple menu while in the Finder. The following settings allow ScreenSavor to use the LEAST amount of memory in your computer system:
Quartile -> ON, Full Screen -> OFF, and if you have more than 256 colors available Load Colors -> ON
4) Do not rename the Savory Goodies folder. ScreenSavor relies upon the existence of this folder to find your images. ScreenSavor will only recognize images that are within folders directly within the Savory Goodies folder.
5) Running ScreenSavor without Multifinder or System 7 is allowed, but may cause your computer to crash!
6) If you have only 256 colors available, it is normal for 3 of the 4 images displayed with Quartile -> ON and Load Colors -> ON to look funny. When you have only 256 colors available on your computer system it is unable to cope with having many different colors on the screen at one time. Load Colors -> ON tells ScreenSavor to choose 256 colors that will best reproduce the current image. Unfortunately, these colors will not be the best for the other 3 images. If you change Load Colors -> OFF, then 256 standard colors will be used to display all the images. Thus, every image will look "OK", but you are not viewing the full potential image quality that ScreenSavor has to offer. If Quartile -> OFF, then use Load Colors -> OFF so that you will obtain the best image quality.
7) DO NOT USE A RESOURCE EDITOR TO MODIFY ScreenSavor resources! There are no resources intended for user customization within ScreenSavor. You may have to completely reinstall the software after making these types of changes, or even cause your system to crash. Most of these resources are crucial for proper program operation.